Lead Generation – A way new transformation in the field of Digital Marketing

Oftentimes you must have heard the word Lead. While it carries a lot of varied meanings, these days it is widely used in the field of Digital Marketing. Now what does Lead Generation mean? 

Lead Generation is an exercise or activity of seeking and reaching out to people who are interested in your goods and services. Lead Generation Services consist of looking after a potential lead by finding a way to connect with them, nurture a relation and gradually end up converting them. 

Before moving ahead, I would like you to understand what a lead is. A lead is an individual or a brand/company who is interested and fascinated by your product or service. To get a lead converted you can start from the basics like their name, contact details, occupation, location, job title, etc.

Lead Generation

Understanding different types of Leads: 

  • Based on enhancement

This type is a widely used B2B Lead Generation method done with the help of the information or data you have about the lead. Most commonly, they only have a name, email Id or contact number which is a one-contact method. You may also have some additional guidelines related to their personal and professional sphere like company name, current job profile, location, problems , etc. 

  • Based on Interest

Having a common interest at any ground is yet another classified Lead Generation Strategies. If someone has similar taste or interest like yours, we eventually intend to get along well. While some show interest in your blog or profile by themselves.

  • Based on Qualification

This type is largely based on the qualification and the sales strategy. Generally, this Lead Generation has sub-types like Marketing qualified lead (MQL) who has shown an interest in your product but isn’t willing to initiate a conversation. Then comes Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) wherein the lead is one-step closer to getting converted. 

Lead Generation Services

Tapping into the right place of your desired market and recognising the potential of Lead Generation Services has become an integral part of Marketing. One cannot foster the promotion of their products or services without getting indulge into all these activities. Hence, DaurCom is here to brainstorm on high quality Lead Generation Strategies and utilise the best of our B2B Lead Generation skills.


Lead Generation is a new age method of creating a position in the market by attracting maximum engagement towards your products and services. We, at DaurCom aim at inculcating different types of Lead Generation Strategies and methods mentioned above to level up your brand and help you in building a top-notch business. Right from searching for leads to converting them, DaurCom is an all-round service provider.

So come book a free consultation session now!

Lead Generation Services

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