Daurcom’s organizational structure is Holacracy, a radical “self-governing” organization where there is no hierarchy and where we follow a flat hierarchy system.
The term Holacracy springs from the Greek word holon, which suggests an entire that’s a part of a greater whole. Rather than a top-down hierarchy, there’s a flatter “holarchy” that distributes power more evenly.

The company is made from different circles and employees work within any number of roles within those circles. This way, there’s no hiding under titles; radical transparency is that the goal.
Here in DAURCOM, we follow the two communication loops that are powered by their unique tools designed to optimize communication within that specific loop.
The inner loop: The inner loop includes everyone the team consistently works with, usually on core projects and in their division.
The outer loop: The outer loop includes the remainder of the organization. These employees receive the same organization-wide messages, making this a helpful loop for leadership and human resources.
The workplace in DAURCOM has five pillars;
- Seamlessness: DAURCOM is streamlined, we work without friction and with a complete interconnection between each member of the workforce and across every division.
- Availability: DAURCOM is available to every employee without fail. The workforce is accessible to anyone from the organization at any time and from any place, whether they’re working in an office or communicating as different workers.
- Flexibility: DAURCOM is not bound to any single location (or time zone). All employees have geographical flexibility. The traditional Monday to Friday, 9-5 isn’t scheduled and not forced onto any team working in different time zones and cultures.
- Enabling: DAURCOM empowers each team with the required tools to perform their best for the organization. DAURCOM also allocates adequate resources for new tools.
- Accessibility: DAURCOM lets the employees use different devices, and tools are available for all devices. As we practice BYOD in the organization.
We believe that results shown from stepping away from industrial age business practices and building a modernized workplace can have a massive benefit on a company’s bottom line. We also believe that these few simple steps work in employee productivity and participation:
Empowering employees to own their position as stakeholders.
Providing the environment employees need to produce great work.
Recognizing and rewarding that great work regularly.